Uptonogood Cider 500ml

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Uptonogood Cider 500ml


You will be delighted by this clean crisp and fresh tasting cider with a cheeky little fizz. It is the colour of gold and carries the scent of late summer.
UptoNogood Cider has been made purely from apples hand collected from orchards and gardens in our neighbouring village of Upton Noble. As a community project, all profits raised will be re-spent in the village, so drink up and feel good, for, far from being UptoNogood, your efforts are raising funds for the future of the village

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Please note that all our produce is currently only available for delivery by hand or collection in person and we do not offer a mailorder service (yet!) Please only purchase if you are coming to stay in Gabriel’s Wagon or Jake’s Cabin - or if you are able to collect. Thank you!